Beaked hazelnut is easily recognized by its rounded oval, fuzzy leaves with doubly saw-toothed margins. They turn a bright yellow in fall. Male catkins appear before the leaves. The spherical nuts are enclosed in a husk that projects beyond the nut to form the “beak.” The beak can be 2-4 times the length of the nut. Description from
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The plants, animals, fungi, microbes, and other natural features that make up “urban habitat” are important to the character, function, and livability of cities.
Some introduced plant species can diminish biodiversity. Other plants produce poisons that can harm wildlife. Learn what plants to avoid when figuring out what to plant or remove in your outdoor space.
Get involved by sharing and mapping the birds, animals and nature around you to help the community understand the biodiversity in our neighborhood.
Protecting the trees and other vegetation that what we currently have is perhaps the most important way to ensure biodiversity in cities.
Three inspiring local food justice practitioners will share how their work in urban farming improves access to healthy foods, fosters relationships to land, and builds community.
Start a garden in a planting strip along the street. Explore our interactive corridor map, find what to grow, and start nurturing today.
Nature of Your Neighborhood is a collaboration between Birds Connect Seattle, the Capitol Hill EcoDistrict, and the Seattle Bird Conservation Partnership. Our goal is to foster relationships between the people and the nature of their neighborhoods.