Most of the year, coyote brush (or chaparral broom, Baccharis pilularis) can be recognized by its bright green foliage. In the fall, however, plants are covered with white as the shrub releases thousands of tiny seeds, each carried away in the breeze by a delicate, silken parachute. Description from
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Some introduced plant species can diminish biodiversity. Other plants produce poisons that can harm wildlife. Learn what plants to avoid when figuring out what to plant or remove in your outdoor space.
The plants, animals, fungi, microbes, and other natural features that make up “urban habitat” are important to the character, function, and livability of cities.
Learn about the diversity in pigeon populations in the United States and the implications of this variability on the species.
Check out our list of local wildlife-supporting plant stores and nurseries, organizations, and community science opportunities.
This workshop will guide you through the process and materials needed to help you decide if Mason Bees are right for you and your garden, whether you have a small deck or an open garden.
Learn about container gardening with shrubs, trees, herbs, veggies, perennials, and annuals. A special focus will be on plantings that provide pollinators with food and that encourage bird habitat.
Nature of Your Neighborhood is a collaboration between Birds Connect Seattle, the Capitol Hill EcoDistrict, and the Seattle Bird Conservation Partnership. Our goal is to foster relationships between the people and the nature of their neighborhoods.