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Western redcedar

Western red cedar trees and shrubs are pyramidal in form. The trees may grow up to 200 feet tall and 20 feet in circumference, measured above the strongly buttressed base. The cinnamon-red or brownish outer bark is relatively thin, fissured, and scaly, shedding in irregular flakes; the inner bark is fibrous. Short, horizontal, or slightly drooping branches bear dense branchlet systems in flattened sprays that appear bright green on the upper side and dark waxy green beneath. The tiny, pointed, scale-like leaves may have faint whitish patches on the undersurfaces. The egg-shaped or slightly elongated cones, 8 to 12 mm (0.3 to 0.5 inch) long, bear five to six pairs of thin flexible scales. Description from Britannica

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Western redcedar

Western redcedar fast facts

Scientific Name

Thuja plicata



Garden Type




Native Plant Region

Western WA, PNW, North America

Light needs

Filtered, Full Sun

Water Needs


Plant Type

Evergreen, Perennial, Tree

Bloom Color(s)


10 + feet


10+ feet

Months in Bloom

Safe Beneath Power Lines?

western redcedar

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