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Microevolution in Feral Pigeons: a Tale in Three Parts


Well known to most urban residents, the rock pigeon is a physically variable bird with striking plumage differences in some areas. Europeans brought the first pigeons to North America in 1606 and these birds have since become a widespread species, populating most human-inhabited areas of the continent. 

Since their colonization, it is possible that pigeons have evolved new populations on this continent. This research examines the diversity in pigeon populations in the United States and the implications of this variability on the species.

Sarah Rackowski
Sarah is a high school student from Princeton, New Jersey, and has been interested in birds and nature for as long as she can remember. She began birdwatching in elementary school and ever since has been fascinated by birds and their environments. Preparation for her research on feral pigeons began in her first year of high school and throughout her senior year. Sarah’s study of the microevolution and regional variation of feral pigeons took her from Maine to Florida to collect data. With her results identified and paper written, her research is slated for publication by 2022. Aside from the hard science side of avian study, Sarah is also interested in nature in art and literature, as well as the philosophy of science.

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A collaborative project led by the Capitol Hill EcoDistrict and Seattle Audubon with support from members of the Seattle Bird Conservation Partnership. Our goal is to improve access to and between green spaces while improving habitat quality for birds, insect pollinators, and other wildlife. 

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