Columbia Lewisia is an attractive wildflower which may be used in the rock garden. It is a succulent perennial with a thick, well branched, fleshy root with numerous leaves at its base. Flowers can be white with pink venation to magenta-rose. It is best suited for dry conditions, but can survive for several years in west side gardens if given sufficient ventilation or provided with cover to protect it from the rain.
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Months in Bloom
Safe Beneath Power Lines?
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Take a virtual tour of Capitol hill with naturalist and author David B. Williams and gain a new appreciation of the nature of the city and its wild side.
Learn about the diversity in pigeon populations in the United States and the implications of this variability on the species.
Learn about diversifying the way architecture is taught and practiced from designers of color.
Get involved by sharing and mapping the birds, animals and nature around you to help the community understand the biodiversity in our neighborhood.
Learn about container gardening with shrubs, trees, herbs, veggies, perennials, and annuals. A special focus will be on plantings that provide pollinators with food and that encourage bird habitat.
New types of vegetation can attract additional wildlife to an area. You might be surprised how a little green can go a long way!
Nature of Your Neighborhood is a collaboration between Birds Connect Seattle, the Capitol Hill EcoDistrict, and the Seattle Bird Conservation Partnership. Our goal is to foster relationships between the people and the nature of their neighborhoods.