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Japanese pieris

Japanese pieris is a broadleaf evergreen shrub boasting year-round beauty and interest when used as a landscape plant. Native to Asia, Japanese pieris has oblong leaves that open with a reddish-bronze color before transforming into a glossy, leathery green. It is an early bloomer, erupting in drooping clusters of delicate flowers for about two weeks during the late winter and early spring.
The white or pale pink blooms resemble those of lily-of-the-valley, without the strong, notable fragrance. Best planted from potted nursery plants in the spring or fall, Japanese pieris grows slowly and will take its time establishing itself in your landscape.
Japanese pieris is toxic to dogs and cats, and it is considered to be seriously toxic to humans. It contains grayanotoxins that can pose hazards even with minor ingestion. Description from

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Japanese pieris

Japanese pieris fast facts

Scientific Name

Pieris japonica



Garden Type



Bees, Hummingbirds

Native Plant Region


Light needs

Filtered, Full Sun

Water Needs


Plant Type

Evergreen, Flowering, Perennial, Shrub

Bloom Color(s)



5 – 10 feet


5 – 10 feet

Months in Bloom

April, May

Safe Beneath Power Lines?

Japanese pieris

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