Red-osier dogwood is a large, 7 to 9 foot, erect shrub. The shrubs can be used in front of evergreens that will show off the dark red winter stems. Besides attractive, red stems in the winter, red-osier dogwood has yellowish-white flowers that appear in late May to early June, and bluish-white fruit borne in late summer. Fall color is reddish-purple. Description from The Morton Arboretum
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Check out our list of local wildlife-supporting plant stores and nurseries, organizations, and community science opportunities.
Some introduced plant species can diminish biodiversity. Other plants produce poisons that can harm wildlife. Learn what plants to avoid when figuring out what to plant or remove in your outdoor space.
Get involved by sharing and mapping the birds, animals and nature around you to help the community understand the biodiversity in our neighborhood.
Do you want to plant a tree, create butterfly habitat, or start a vegetable garden but don’t have a yard? Learn how planting strips are a great place to start your own garden!
Gardeners can check out seeds for free from the library to plant. Then after harvest, gardeners bring seeds back to the library for others to enjoy in future growing seasons.
Learn about the diversity in pigeon populations in the United States and the implications of this variability on the species.
Nature of Your Neighborhood is a collaboration between Birds Connect Seattle, the Capitol Hill EcoDistrict, and the Seattle Bird Conservation Partnership. Our goal is to foster relationships between the people and the nature of their neighborhoods.