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Great camas

Great Camas is a stunning and iconic Northwest wildflower with a sweet, edible bulb and blue-purple flowers. The sweet bulbs of the Great Camas are considered by many to be a Northwest native food delicacy. The taste is often compared to a baked pear, fig, or sweet potato, and can even used to sweeten other foods. The longer they’re cooked, the sweeter they get. Description from

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Great camas

Great camas fast facts

Scientific Name

Camassia leichtlinii



Garden Type

Rain Garden Appropriate


Butterflies, Hummingbirds

Native Plant Region

Western WA, PNW, North America

Light needs

Filtered, Full Sun

Water Needs


Plant Type

Bulbs & Tubers, Flowering, Perennial

Bloom Color(s)

Blue, Purple, White


2 – 5 feet


2 – 5 feet

Months in Bloom

April, May

Safe Beneath Power Lines?

Great camas

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