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Lady fern

Lady Fern is a native perennial upright fern that can reach 2-5 feet in height. The leaves are a bright green, with a fine-textured lacy appearance, and single fronds can measure up to 1’ wide and 3’ in length. The frond stalks are green to purple or red in color. Lady Fern is native to the continental US and Alaska. Description from

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Lady fern

Lady fern fast facts

Scientific Name

Athyrium filix-femina



Garden Type

Container Appropriate, Rain Garden Appropriate, Anywhere


Does not attract wildlife

Native Plant Region

Western WA, PNW, North America

Light needs

Filtered, Full Shade

Water Needs

Medium to Wet

Plant Type

Evergreen, Perennial

Bloom Color(s)


2 – 5 feet


0 – 1, 1 – 2 feet

Months in Bloom

Safe Beneath Power Lines?

Lady fern

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