Ocean Spray is a many-stemmed, spreading shrub that normally grows 4-5 ft. tall but can reach 7 ft. The stems are slender and often arching, bearing deeply lobed and toothed, deciduous foliage. During the flowering season, the shrub is a complete mass of tiny, fragrant, creamy-white flowers arranged in large, plumed clusters. Description from wildflower.org
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Look closer…and meet the local insects that pollinate the plants around your Seattle neighborhoods. Learn about some of our amazing native pollinating insects.
Seattle neighborhoods are full of wildlife and wild things. We’ve compiled a few exercises to help you slow down and appreciate the nature that surrounds you.
Check out our list of local wildlife-supporting plant stores and nurseries, organizations, and community science opportunities.
This workshop will guide you through the process and materials needed to help you decide if Mason Bees are right for you and your garden, whether you have a small deck or an open garden.
Take a virtual trip across Capitol Hill to learn about urban habitat types, how to identify the unique birds they support, and what we can do to make the neighborhood a safer place for them to live.
Get involved by sharing and mapping the birds, animals and nature around you to help the community understand the biodiversity in our neighborhood.
Nature of Your Neighborhood is a collaboration between Birds Connect Seattle, the Capitol Hill EcoDistrict, and the Seattle Bird Conservation Partnership. Our goal is to foster relationships between the people and the nature of their neighborhoods.