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Blue globe thistle

Globe thistle is a fast-growing, contemporary-looking flower with old-world qualities. Its spherical blue blooms add an arresting pop of color to summer border gardens. Yet unlike other eye-catching perennials, globe thistle is drought tolerant, deer resistant, and an important nectar source for butterflies and bees. While uninviting to rabbits and deer, the spiny, spiky foliage of globe thistle serves an important role in the garden as a host plant for the finicky painted lady butterfly. Description from

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Blue globe thistle

Blue globe thistle fast facts

Scientific Name

Echinops bannaticus



Garden Type



Birds, Butterflies, Hummingbirds

Native Plant Region


Light needs

Full Sun

Water Needs


Plant Type

Flowering, Perennial

Bloom Color(s)



2 – 5 feet


0 – 1, 1 – 2 feet

Months in Bloom

July, August

Safe Beneath Power Lines?

Blue globe thistle

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