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Oregon ash

Fraxinus latifolia (Oregon ash) is a member of the Oleaceae (Olive) family and can grow to 25 meters in height, with a trunk diameter of 30-80 centimeter. Trees can live to 250 years; young trees are fast growing, slowing down in maturity. It is usually found in riparian corridors within forest, woodland, chaparral, or grassland. The compound leaves are pinnate, 12-33 centimeter long, with 5-9 leaflets, and often show signs of disease and brown rot, even on otherwise healthy plants. The inconspicuous flowers are dioecious, meaning that male and female parts are contained in separate flowers. The fruit is a samara, and not usually produced until the tree reaches 20-30 years of age. Description from

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Oregon ash

Oregon ash fast facts

Scientific Name

Fraxinus latifolia



Garden Type



Birds, Hummingbirds

Native Plant Region

Western WA, PNW, North America

Light needs


Water Needs


Plant Type

Deciduous, Perennial, Tree

Bloom Color(s)



10 + feet


10+ feet

Months in Bloom

April, May

Safe Beneath Power Lines?

Oregon ash

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This workshop will guide you through the process and materials needed to help you decide if Mason Bees are right for you and your garden, whether you have a small deck or an open garden.