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Oregon white oak

Oregon White Oak is best known as a stately deciduous tree that grows from British Columbia south to Los Angeles. Large mature specimens are wide spreading and very stout in appearance. Oregon White Oak can easily grow to a height of 90’ and a width of over 125’ forming a broad, rounded crown with a rugged appearance. The limbs are often very crooked especially if the tree is grown out in the open. Young trees often have shrubby appearance. The leaves of Oregon White Oak are arranged in an alternate fashion. They are simple, 4”-6” long and are evenly and deeply lobed with rounded leaf tips. The mature bark is brownish gray and shallowly fissured in a checker-like pattern. When cut down the wood from this oak is used for furniture and flooring. Description from PNW Plants

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Oregon white oak

Oregon white oak fast facts

Scientific Name

Quercus garryana



Garden Type




Native Plant Region

Western WA, PNW, North America

Light needs

Full Sun

Water Needs


Plant Type

Deciduous, Tree

Bloom Color(s)



10 + feet


10+ feet

Months in Bloom


Safe Beneath Power Lines?

Oregon white oak

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