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Pacific dogwood

With its spectacular white flowers, bright green leaves, beautiful autumn foliage, and attractive growth form, Pacific Dogwoods are among the more popular native California trees in landscaping applications. It’s long-lived and easy to grow as long as it’s planted in its natural range and in the right site type. It needs to be planted in cool, rich, deep and well-draining soil, in part shade, preferably among smaller companion plants, so as it matures it can reach its branches out into direct sun. Provide occasional summer water until established, then stop all supplementary irrigation. Avoid disturbing the soil within a few feet of the trunk. Description from Calscape

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Pacific dogwood

Pacific dogwood fast facts

Scientific Name

Cornus nuttallii



Garden Type




Native Plant Region

Western WA, PNW, North America

Light needs

Filtered, Full Shade

Water Needs


Plant Type

Deciduous, Perennial, Tree

Bloom Color(s)



10 + feet


10+ feet

Months in Bloom

April, May, June

Safe Beneath Power Lines?

Pacific dogwood

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