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Wild ginger

Wild ginger, Asarum canadense, is found growing throughout the eastern United States and southeastern Canada, as well as parts of Asia. Despite its name, it bears no relation to culinary ginger. At first glance. it’s not very remarkable, because the flowers are hidden beneath the leaves at the base of the plant. This unusual growth structure is believed to have evolved to help early spring insects locate the flower for food and pollinating. The brownish-mauve flowers have a distinctive bell shape with three small tips that flare out from its edges. They are not of interest to deer or other herbivorous mammals, but insects love this plant, including ants who carry its seeds underground for germination. Wild ginger attracts a very specific pollinator: the Pipevine Swallowtail Butterfly. Description from The Spruce

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Wild ginger

Wild ginger fast facts

Scientific Name

Asarum caudatum



Garden Type

Container Appropriate, Rain Garden Appropriate, Anywhere


Birds, Butterflies

Native Plant Region

Western WA, PNW, North America

Light needs

Filtered, Full Shade

Water Needs


Plant Type

Evergreen, Flowering, Groundcover & Grasses, Perennial

Bloom Color(s)



0 – 2 feet


2 – 5 feet

Months in Bloom

April, May

Safe Beneath Power Lines?

wild ginger

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